Carl Lauryssen, M.D. is certified by the American and Canadian Board of Neurological Surgery. Dr. Lauryssen is from Cape Town, South Africa and received his medical school training at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, followed by his neurosurgical residency at University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
He then completed a spinal neurosurgical surgery fellowship at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine under Dr. Mark Hadley, past president of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons.
Dr. Lauryssen was on faculty at Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine for seven years. He directed the advanced neurosurgical spine program at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and his work at Washington University was recognized by both Orthopaedic Surgery and Trauma Services. He has twice been awarded the Young Investigator Award from the American Association of Neurological Surgeons for his work on cervical disorders and stem cell research.
In addition, Dr. Lauryssen, was the first neurosurgeon to inject stem cells into a human spinal cord, as part of an FDA trial.
As a leading spinal neurosurgeon, he is the co-director of spine research and development at Olympia Medical Center. His research, and surgical interests have focused on minimally invasive surgery and motion preservation.
He shares his expertise and vision by writing medical publications, giving presentations and developing surgical devices to improve surgical outcome.
He has a number of patents, and inventions that are used in spinal surgery throughout the world.
After seven years on staff at Washington University, I was recruited to Cedars-Sinai Hospital to lead the research and education departments. I pride myself on being able to offer you more than just the latest in technological trials and also choose the trial that is the best for you. For example, I have declined to enroll patients while in certain trials as my clinical judgment (and surgical integrity), would not ethically allow me to subject patients to be part of inferior technology. Remember, the FDA does not approve all technologies tested!
Seeking the freedom to quickly and effectively conduct clinical trials, I also joined Olympia Medical Center. Since 2003, my research team has successfully initiated at least nine FDA-approved trials, and two industry-approved clinical trials. This is a true testament to my team, partners and co-investigators. Of particular note is that the U.S. Government has nominated me as the Principle Investigator of five clinical trials. This is a testament to our team’s flawless records and a compliment to our ethical integrity.
With a sister who is a great physical therapist, a mother who is a published artist, and a father who designed television studios, I pride myself in being a conservative, empathetic educator of your options to avoid surgery.
I am very proud to say…we are always here for you before and after surgery. We look forward to providing you the best spinal care possible now and in the years to come.
Be sure that you choose your team wisely.
~ Dr. Carl Lauryssen